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Swap Shop

What is Swap Shop

Swap Shop sells second-hand uniform, games and PE kit from Nursery to Year 8.

As of September 2023, we are currently selling both legacy St. Andrew's and Halstead uniform while stocks last and can be used.

All proceeds from the Swap Shop sales benefit your children. In the past, for example, Swap Shop has contributed towards the lighting in the theatre, bought a variety of board games for wet break, items for the LEGO club, the gardening club, and footballs used at break time.

Swap Shop is entirely run by parent volunteers...

Using Swap Shop

Swap Shop is open every Friday morning from 8am - 9am. We also hold one large sale at the end of the Summer term and ad hoc sales during the holidays depending on demand.

Please check the school's calendar and other communications for details.

Putting items into Swap Shop

Uniform for sale can be brought into school at any time. Please leave your bags at Church Hill House Reception with Mrs Curr. 

  • Please make sure all items are clean and in good condition - no rips, missing buttons etc.
  • Please ensure all name labels have been removed.
  • Please ensure items are the current school uniform.

We will not be able to sell any uniform which does not meet these criteria. Any clothing which we consider is not in good condition or is not current school uniform will be recycled or given to charity.

You may either donate your items in full, with all proceeds going to the school, or receive 50% of the proceeds of the sale.

To donate the items in full: 

  • No labelling is required if you wish to donate your items.
  • This means HSA receives all the proceeds that are used for the benefit of the school as above.

To receive 50% from the proceeds:

  • Please label your items using the labels which can be found in the document link below.
  • If this is the first time you have submitted clothes to Swap Shop, please also complete the form found in the document links below and email it to otherwise we will not be able to send sale proceeds to you. (Please also ensure that Swap Shop is notified of any changes of details.)
  • Payments are made electronically by bank transfer once the balance of any items sold reaches a certain level.
  • As a general guide, good quality items will be sold at approximately half the retail price.  
  • You will receive 50% of the amount the item is ultimately sold for.

We will hold and display your items for at least one year. Thereafter, the items will be removed and given to relevant charities, good causes or recycled.


If you have any questions please e-mail Vicky and Cindy at

Friends of Halstead St Andrew's

Find out more about Friends of Halstead St Andrew's here.