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Introducing HSA Senior School

We usually hold three Open Mornings (one each term) at Halstead St Andrew's.

Our next open morning will be on Friday 10th May 2024. Timings are as follows:
Woodham Rise (Pre-Prep) - 9am - 10.30am 
Church Hill House (Prep & Senior) - 10.15am - 11.30am (please note, tours start at 10.30am)

Please book an appointment for our Open Mornings by clicking on the 'Register Your Interest' link below and completing the form. This will enable us to tailor the open morning tour for you. 

Welcome from the Acting Head

Halstead St Andrew’s School is a school that truly places the children at the core of all we do. We strongly believe every child is unique and their educational journey should be based on unlocking their passions, whether that be academic, sporting, musical or through the array of creative opportunities we provide at Halstead St Andrew’s School.

Why go to 16? The answer is simple – the success we built up as two excellent rated prep schools continues and, combined with our expertise, with our hugely experienced staff, many with considerable secondary experience, small class sizes, recognised academic rigour and a broad curriculum, makes it the perfect decision. 

Whilst we are rightly proud of the facilities we can provide the children, it is through the relationships in the classroom that we are able to provide a warm and caring culture. The positive relationships between the children and the staff allow each child the opportunity to thrive, feel valued and achieve their potential academically. Through a broad and dynamic curriculum, we aim to prepare the children for the challenges of the 21st century whilst developing the values and qualities required to be responsible citizens.

The best advert for the school is the children and I hope you will take the opportunity to visit us. I would be delighted to give you an individual tour where you will be able to witness, in person, our wonderful school.

Miss Melanie Eaton
Acting Head

Why choose our Senior School? 

The best thing about HSA is the bond you make not only with your peers and classmates but also with your teachers - the teachers are always there for you.

Pupil, Year 8

The Admissions Process


Pupils display a passion for learning and an insatiable desire to acquire new knowledge. 

ISI Inspection 2023


Register Your Interest in our Senior School

Please complete this form if you'd like to receive a prospectus, attend our next open morning or request a personal tour with our Head, at your convenience. 

Parent Details


Contact Details

Information About Prospective Pupil


Please select which event you'd like to attend

Would you like to arrange a personal tour?*
How did you first hear about Halstead St Andrew's School?*

Privacy Notice

Our contact details are Halstead St Andrew’s School, Church Hill House, Wilson Way, Horsell, Woking, GU21 4QW. Email:

We hold your contact details and your child’s name and date of birth. We use this for the purpose of responding to your enquiry, providing information about the school and inviting you to events such as open days.

Our legal basis is that our purpose is also a legitimate interest. We retain the data in the UK for 3 years or until your child is age 25 if they join the school.

You have qualified rights to access, rectify and erase your personal data, and to restrict or object to processing and to make your data portable. You have the right to complain to a Supervisory Authority (eg The Information Commissioner’s Office).